Big Mickey
A novel for children “Big Mickey” is a very imaginative story about the greatest fisherman in the world, Big Mickey. It’s the hero, which walks from book to book, and each time, his imagination takes him to dangerous albeit interesting situations, which he exceptionally skillfully escapes from. This time, he is a fisherman who catches only the biggest fish in the world, so big that children can’t even imagine. There are two other boys in the book, who are carried away listening to his fishing adventures from all over the world. They sometimes doubt the truthfulness, but they very quickly convince themselves that Big Mickey’s adventures are the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, in order to keep their illusions and continue enjoying his stories. Together they enjoy solving the key issue Big Mickey poses, and that’s: Do fish drink water?
The book was awarded with „Najosmeh“ award of the Festival of humor for children In Lazarevac.